Through Apollo Health
Dr. Fung is trained in the Bredesen Protocol and is ReCODE 2.0 Certified by Apollo Health. This means that Dr. Fung is able to conduct blood testing to take a snapshot of your well-being and correlate results to your dementia risk.
For more information regarding the Bredesen Protocol and Apollo Health, please visit:

Steps to Take when Working with Dr. Fung with the Bredesen Protocol
First Step
Meet and Greet
This is a 15-minute complimentary consultation to get to know Dr. Fung and establish your goals and needs. If the relationship is a fit, then we can consider the initial consultation.
Second Step
Initial Cognitive Consultation
This consultation consists of a thorough investigation of the signs and symptoms a patient is going through, as patterns, history and progression can differ in each person.
If the patient is exhibiting symptoms, consider doing the 2 hour Initial Dementia Consultation.
If the patient is not exhibiting symptoms but is more interested in getting a cognoscopy for screening and prevention, then choose the 1-hour Dementia Prevention Consultation.
Third Step
Testing and Assessment
After the initial consultation, we will talk about testing. Testing is mostly done through LifeLabs where Dr. Fung is eligible to write requisitions to get testing done. All tests done through a Naturopathic Physician is not covered by MSP and will be out-of-pocket. Extended insurance may cover testing - please consult your provider.
To have the whole ReCODE testing done through Dr. Fung, it is estimated to be approximately $1200.
For PreCODE testing, it is estimated to be approximately $400. Details for testing and fees will be discussed with Dr. Fung
A ReCODE or PreCODE report can be generated. This requires a processing fee.
Fourth Step
Once the results arrive, a Review of Findings consultation will be arranged to go over all the findings including history and assessments, and a plan will be finalized including supplementation, dietary and lifestyle changes.
Fifth Step
Follow Up and Maintenance
A plan is finalized at the end of the Review of Findings consultation. The plan will also discuss how often the patient will follow up for check-ins. Follow-up appointments are 30 minutes long, and will assess how things are and if the patient can be compliant with the current treatment plan. If there are challenges with the plan, these follow-ups serve as opportunities to make changes as needed.
Sixth Step
Tests will be redone every 6-12 months to ensure there are improvements in the biochemical factors. Not all tests have to be redone - please discuss this with Dr. Fung upon reassessment.
Frequently Asked Questions about the Bredesen Protocol
1 / Can I do all my testing through my GP?
The testing required to generate the Bredesen Protocol report requires several tests, many of which are not covered by MSP. Although you can do a number of tests through your GP, it is highly recommended to get all testing done at once and have a report generated as quickly as possible to make sure all of the values are current and at the same time. All lab testing will be done via Lifelabs where Dr. Fung provides patients with a lab requisition.
2 / Must I get a membership through Apollo Health?
If you want the full report and resources made available from Apollo Health, then the membership is required. The subscription (found on the https;// website) is $39.95/month USD for PreCODE and $75/month USD for ReCODE.
Dr. Fung accepts patients without the Apollo membership, with patients knowing that a report will not be generated, nor will patients have the resources provided through the Apollo membership.
3 / Are the visits covered by MSP?
As Dr. Fung is not a Medical Doctor (MD) but a Naturopathic Doctor (ND), all visits with Dr. Fung are not covered by MSP. Most, if not all Extended Health Insurance will have coverage for Naturopathic Medicine. Please consult your provider for more information.